Scanning electron microscope observations on the tube of the reef‐forming serpulidFicopomatus enigmaticus(Fauvel) (Annelida, Polychaeta)

The tube of Ficopomatus enigmaticus (Fauvel) has two different layers: an outer, 90 μm‐thick calcareous one and an inner, very thin organic membrane. Prismatic crystals, about 5 μm in length, are evident at the inner surface of the calcareous layer. In the reef‐like aggregates, tubes grow perpendicular to the substratum and are closely packed: their density ranges from 70 000 to 180 000 worms‐m‐2, and distance between tube mouths averages 1.2 mm. Adherence between tubes appears to be due to wedge‐shaped junctions, consisting of 10–12 μm‐long clusters of crystals. Small tubes of newly settled individuals encrust interweaving adult tubes and help to consolidate the reef framework.