Expatriate maids and food patterns in Kuwait

THE AIM of this study was to investigate the role of the maid and her nationality on infant feeding patterns, nutritional status of mothers and food pattern in Kuwait. A multistage stratified sample of 2004 Kuwaiti families was taken to represent all districts in Kuwait. Mothers were interviewed to collect data on infant feeding patterns, types of foods pre sented daily and the nutritional status of the mother was assessed. When there was no maid, 65.3% of the infants were breast fed, such rate declined to 55.1% when a maid was employed. The duration of breast feeding was prolonged from 5.43 months in the presence of a maid to 7.29 months in her absence. Obesity was more prevalent among mothers (44.7%) when a maid was employed and decreased when they received no help (35.4%). The results show that traditional dishes are presented for lunch which is the major meal of the day. Food items presented for breakfast or dinner are more diversified. Hamburger, fried potato, macaroni and fried chicken have become popular dishes in Kuwait. The types of food presented were significantly associ ated with the nationality of the maid.

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