The transient increase in cation permeability observed in duck red cells incubated with norepinephrine has been shown to be a linked, bidirectional, co-transport of sodium plus potassium. This pathway, sensitive to loop diuretics such as furosemide, was found to have a [Na + K] stoichiometry of 1:1 under all conditions tested. Net sodium efflux was inhibited by increasing external potassium, and net potassium efflux was inhibited by increasing external sodium. Thus, the movement of either cation is coupled to, and can be driven by, the gradient of its co-ion. There is no evidence of trans stimulation of co-transport by either cation. The system also has a specific anion requirement satisfied only by chloride or bromide. Shifting the membrane potential by varying either external chloride (at constant internal chloride) or external potassium (at constant internal potassium in the presence of valinomycin and DIDs [4,4'-diisothiocyano-2,2'-disulfonic acid stilbene]), has no effect on nor-epinephrine-stimulated net sodium transport. Thus, this co-transport system is unaffected by membrane potential and is therefore electrically neutral. Finally, under the latter conditions-when Em was held constant near EK and chloride was not at equilibrium-net sodium extrusion against a substantial electrochemical gradient could be produced by lowering external chloride at high internal concentrations, thereby demonstrating that the anion gradient can also drive co-transport. We conclude, therefore, that chloride participates directly in the co-transport of [Na + K + 2Cl].