The medical records of 30 children with central nervous system tuberculosis (CNS tuberculosis) who were treated between March, 1976, and February, 1989, were reviewed. All had cranial computerized tomography scans at presentation. The mean cerebrospinal fluid leukocyte count was 200/mm3, protein 239 mg/dl, glucose 25 mg/dl and CSF/serum glucose ratio 21%. Mantoux skin tests with 5 tuberculin units were ≥10 mm induration in 50%, and chest radiographs were positive in 40% of patients. Hydrocephalus was demonstrated by cranial computerized tomography in all 30 patients (100%). Cranial computerized tomography scan demonstrating hydrocephalus is a sensitive radiographic finding in children with central nervous system tuberculosis and should be part of the early evaluation of children with suspected central nervous system tuberculosis.