Breath and blood levels of benzene, toluene, cumene and styrene in non-occupational exposure

Benzene, toluene, cumene and styrene were measured in the breath and blood of two groups of individuals. The first group included individuals belonging to a hospital staff, the second group included chemical workers who were not exposed to the abovementioned chemicals. The chemical workers were examined in plant infirmaries on the morning before the start of the workshift, and the hospital staff in the hospital infirmaries. One environmental air sample was taken in the infirmaries for each individual at the moment of the biological samplings. The environmental concentrations of benzene and styrene were significantly higher in the infirmaries of the chemical plant than in the infirmaries of the hospital. On the other hand, the environmental concentrations of toluene and cumene were not significantly different in the plant infirmaries and in the hospital infirmaries. In the hospital staff the alveolar concentrations of benzene, toluene and styrene were significantly lower than those in the chemical workers. In the hospital staff the blood concentrations of benzene, toluene and styrene were not significantly different from those in the chemical workers. Only the blood cumene concentration was significantly higher in the chemical workers. In hospital staff, smokers showed alveolar and blood concentrations of benzene and toluene that were significantly higher than those measured in the non smoker hospital staff. With reference to chemical workers, only alveolar benzene concentration was significantly higher in smokers than in non smokers. A significant blood benzene difference was found between the non smoker hospital staff and the non smoker chemical workers. A correlation between alveolar and environmental concentrations was found for benzene, toluene and cumene, but not for styrene. In the two groups of individuals, correlations between blood and alveolar concentrations of the four compounds were also studied.