Hypolipidemic activity of phthalimide derivatives. 1. N-Substituted phthalimide derivatives

The general lipid-lowering action of the N-substituted phthalimide derivatives and the activity of potassium phthalimide, implicates the phthalimide moiety as possessing hypolipidemic activity in [mice and rats]. Compounds containing substituents with chain lengths of 4 Ca or O atoms showed the best hypolipidemic activity in the series tested. Tests involving 1-N-phthalimidobutan-3-one demonstrated a dose-dependent hypolipidemic action free of estrogenic side effects, with no apparent deposition of cholesterol in body organs, and with a high therapeutic index. Further work on the hypolipidemic activity of phthalimido, as well as other imido compounds, is underway.