Response to Experimental Infection with Mumps Virus in Rhesus Monkeys

Experiments were conducted in which rhesus monkeys were infected with mumps virus by inoculation into the parotid gland. Virus was isolated from buccal swab specimens from animals up to 6 days after inoculation. Immunofluorescence staining for mumps antigen was positive, and infectious virus was recovered from tissue biopsies of inoculated glands. Histological examination of biopsied glands revealed lymphocytic infiltration of the tissue. Virus was not isolated from urine, buffy coat, or biopsies of thyroid and spleen. In other experiments, animals were infected by inoculation into the thyroid gland. Virus was not isolated from buccal swabs, urine specimens, or thyroid tissues from these monkeys. All inoculated animals responded immunologically to mumps virus regardless of route of infection. Previously infected animals did not shed virus when challenged with mumps virus. A histological response to challenge in glandular tissue was observed which suggested a hypersensitivity to mumps antigen. The response was qualitatively identical to that in acutely infected tissue but more intense. None of the animals infected developed antibodies to thyroid tissue regardless of route of injection of virus or site of challenge of immune monkeys.