Electron microscopy: A contribution to further classification of acute unclassifiable childhood leukemia

The ultrastructural, light microscopical and immunological features of twelve cases of acute childhood leukemia are described. Nine cases were unclassifiable by light microscopy, morphology and cytochemistry, and three were difficult to classify because of a low percentage of Sudan-Black B positive blasts. By means of electron microscopy (including peroxidase cytochemistry), two main groups were seen: 1. Acute myeloid leukemia, in which could be distinguished a) a more differentiated myeloid leukemia, b) a leukemia with megakaryoblastic involvement and c) a minimally differentiated acute myeloid leukemia with granules present and 2. lymphoblastic leukemia. One case could not be classified. The first group included two possible cases of a hybrid leukemia with CD19 or CD10 positivity as well as ultrastructural peroxidase activity. We conclude that electron microscopy aids to further classification of minimally differentiated and hybrid acute leukemias.