Effects of Simulated MSMA Drift on Rice (Oryza sativa) Growth and Yield

Levels of MSMA (monosodium methanearsonate) that simulated drift (0.2, 0.39, and 0.78 kg/ha) were applied over-the-top to rice (Oryza sativa L. ‘Vista’, ‘Starbonnet’, or ‘Labelle’) after flooding at four developmental stages between early tillering and late jointing. The MSMA rates used were equivalent to, or lower than, the 0.78-kg/ha rate that would be applied as an over-the-top application to cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) for early season weed control. Over-the-top applications of MSMA did not affect heading and maturity dates of filled grains regardless of the rate or application timing. Reductions occurred, however, in plant height, number of panicles, and yield. In addition, the percentage of erect panicles showing typical “straighthead” symptoms increased. Rice sensitivity to MSMA depended on MSMA rate and stage of growth with injury being most severe as rice approached the reproductive stages of development. Because aerial applications of MSMA to cotton are normally made before rice reaches the reproductive stage, injury resulting from MSMA drift should be minimal.