The Effectiveness of Brief Parent Training for the Management of Children's Homework Problems

The present study evaluated the effectiveness of a combined parent manual group training program for the management of children's homework problems. Parents of 13 children who were experiencing significantly more homework problems than their grade-school peers were assigned to either a treatment or wait-list control group. Training consisted of 3 weekly, 1-½ hour group meetings wherein behavioral techniques outlined in the parent manuaI were discussed and practiced via modeling, behavior rehearsal, and completion of home assignments. In comparison to the 7 waitlist parents, the 6 treatment parents repotted significantly fewer homework difficulties at post-treatment as measured by scores on the Homework Problem Checklist and the Learning Disability scale of the LouisviIle Behavior Check List. The control group parents increased the frequency of criticisms to their children during the waiting period. When the control group was subsequently treated, no significant gains were reported, however, training was conducted during the last four weeks of school. Scores on Homework Problem Checklists re-administered at a 6-month follow-up indicated maintenance of positive behavior change over time for the treatment group.

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