Nectar Secretion by Toria (Brassica CampestrisL. V.Toria) and Foraging Behaviour of ThreeApisSpecies on Toria in Bangladesh

Nectar secretion by toria florets reached a peak at about 9 h and decreased thereafter. Anthesis also occurred in the early morning. Apis florea appeared on the crop later, and in smaller numbers, than A. cerana, and spent more time on one floret. Apis dorsata was intermediate in foraging speed. Most bees of all species collected both nectar and pollen, but pollen collection by A. cerana was observed only in the morning. The highest proportion of A. cerana foragers carrying pollen loads followed shortly after anthesis. Maximum numbers of foragers were observed at 10.30 h for A. cerana and at 12.30 h for A. florea.