Basophilic cells in allergic nasal secretions

Evidences on the important role of tissue mast cells in inducing allergy have accumulated. These cells are known to be present in nasal secretion but have not been well studied. In the present study basophilic cells containing granules which stained metachromatically appeared in the nasal secretion in various kinds of inhalant allergy. An increase in their number was observed after nasal provocation and during the pollinosis season and showed a decrease after a course of immunotherapy or during the off-season of pollinosis. They were well correlated in degree with nasal symptoms, nasal eosinophilia, and nasal provocative reactions. These results suggest that the appearance of the basophilic cell in nasal secretion is related to their specifity in nasal allergy. The possibility of onset of nasal allergy due to the release of chemical mediators from basophilic cells in nasal secretion was discussed.