Arctic char (Salvelinus alpinus L.) from the commercial sea run were sampled at five stations in northern Labrador. Otoliths were used for age determination. In the southern part of the range—Adlatok and Nain—commercial size is reached at 6 years and at places farther north in 7 years. There is also a tendency for older fish to occur as one proceeds north.Age, weight, and length frequencies as well as their relationship to one another were determined.Vertebral counts indicate little, if any, intermingling of populations between: Adlatok and Nain, Okkak Bay and Hebron, Adlatok and Ramah, Nain and Hebron. Fin ray counts conform with the vertebral results but indicate no significant difference between Adlatok and Nain or Nain and Okkak Bay fish.Variations in flesh colour from white to deep red is a distinct characteristic of Arctic char in northern Labrador; flesh colour has a distinct bearing on the market value of the fish.Principal food items included capelin, launce, young of mailed sculpin, Amphipoda, and Euphausiacea.

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