Correlations among newCPviolating effects inΔF=2observables

We point out that the observed CP violation in BdB¯d mixing, taking into account the measured ratio ΔMd/ΔMs, the recently decreased lattice value of the nonperturbative parameter B^K and an additional effective suppression factor κϵ0.92 in ϵK neglected so far in most analyses, may be insufficient to describe the measured value of ϵK within the standard model (SM), thus hinting at new CP violating contributions to the KK¯ and/or BdB¯d systems. Furthermore, assuming that ΔMd/ΔMs is SM-like, the signs and the magnitudes of new-physics effects in ϵK and in the CP asymmetries SψKs and Sψϕ may turn out to be correlated. For example, in a scenario with new CP phases in Bd and Bs mixings being approximately equal and negative, a common new phase 5° could remove the tension between ϵK and SψKs present in the SM and simultaneously accommodate, at least partly, the recent claim of Sψϕ being much larger than the SM expectation. We emphasize the importance of precise determinations of Vcb, B^K, FK, and ξs, to which the parameter ϵK and its correlation with the CP violation in the BdB¯d system are very sensitive.