Symmetry experiments in gas-filled hohlraums at NOVA

Understanding drive symmetry in gas‐filled hohlraums is currently of interest because the baseline design of the indirect drive ignition target for the planned National Ignition Facility uses a gas‐filled hohlraum. This paper reports on the results of a series of experiments performed at the Nova laser [C. Bibeau et al. Appl. Opt. 31, 5799 (1992)] facility at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory with the goal of understanding time‐dependent drive symmetry in gas filled hohlraums. Time‐dependent symmetry data from capsule implosions and reemission targets in gas‐filled hohlraums are discussed. Results of symmetry measurements using thin wall gas‐filled hohlraums are also discussed. The results show that the gas is effective in impeding the motion of the wall blowoff material, and that the resulting implosion performance of the capsule is not significantly degraded from vacuum results. The implosion symmetry in gas differs from vacuum results with similar laser pointing indicating a shift in beam position on the hohlraum wall and hotter drive at the capsule’s poles than at the equator. A theory has been proposed to explain the observed shift as a plasma physics effect: beam steering due to filamentation and transverse plasma flows.