Some studies associating pre-menstrual symptoms and personality characteristics are reviewed. The possible relationships of EPI Neuroticism and specific personality characteristics (assessed by the 16PF) with pre-menstrual symptoms were investigated. Possible differences between volunteer and non-volunteer subjects' 16PF results and changes in 16PF results during the menstrual cycle were also studied. The severity of some normal women's menstrual symptoms was assessed by (1) a specially constructed daily symptom rating scale and (2) four criteria of severe premenstrual symptoms. A strong association between Neuroticism and high levels of pre-menstrual symptoms was found. There was also an association between high levels of symptoms and 16PF scores (high on factors L, O and Q4, low on factors C, N and Q3) but this finding was less clear cut. No systematic variation in 16PF scores was apparent during the menstrual cycle nor were there differences between volunteers and non-volunteers on 16PF results. Findings suggest an association between pre-menstrual symptoms and psychological dysfunction and as revealed on the 16PF, personality characteristics of emotional instability, suspiciousness, guilt-proneness, apprehensiveness, unpretentiousness, tension and self-conflict.

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