Entrance channel effect for complete fusion of O + C isotopes

The cross section for total fusion of the reaction O18 + C12 was studied over a large range of energies from near the Coulomb barrier BC to 6BC. Good agreement was found between the critical angular momenta deduced from the experimental results and the predictions of different models. The reaction O17 + C13, leading to the same compound nucleus Si30, was studied in the second fusion region (above 2BC). By comparing the relative cross sections for fusion-evaporation to each isotope it is shown that for different entrance channels, even at the highest energies studied, the reactions appear to pass by the formation of a compound nucleus. The critical angular momenta were found to be systematically different from O18 + C12. This difference, which may be due partially to the entrance channel spin, is interpreted as arising from the effect of direct reactions diverting flux from the compound nuclear processes.