Deaminocolchinyl Methyl Ether: Synthesis from 2,3,4,4′‐Tetramethoxybiphenyl‐2‐carbaldehyde. Comparison of antitubulin effects of deaminocolchinyl methyl ether and dehydro analogs

Synthesis of deaminocolchinyl methyl ether 9 was achieved from tetramethoxy‐substituted biphenyl‐2‐carb‐aldehyde 12 via tricyclic ketone 20 and 5,6‐didehydro congener 11. Compound 9 was identical in every respect with material prepared from colchicine via 6,7‐didehydro congener 10. Measuring inhibition of tubulin polymerization in vitro showed compounds 4, 5, and 9–11 of the alloseries of colchicinoids to be particularly potent inhibitors.