Continuous infusion of monoclonal antibody‐purified factor VIII

Continuous intravenous infusion of wet and dry heat treated factor VIII products has been shown to be an effective, safe, and convenient alternative to pulse‐dose therapy for the treatment of patients with hemophilia.We have used 12‐hr, single‐bottle continuous infusion of a factor VIII product purified from plasma sources by the use of monoclonal antibodies (Monoclate; Rorer Pharmaceutical Company) for the treatment of four bleeding episodes in three patients with severe hemophilia A. Patients required 2.1 U/kg/hr to attain an in vivo factor VIII level of 50 U/dl. Clinical hemostasis was achieved for all treatment episodes and no untoward effects of therapy were noted. Stability of the factor VIII:C levels in the product in vitro was also demonstrated.We conclude from this preliminary data that continuous infusion of factor VIII products purified by monoclonal antibody technology is a safe, effective, and practical approach to the treatment of patients with hemophilia A.