Porphyromonas gingivalisplatelet aggregation activity: outer membrane vesicles are potent activators of murine platelets

Recent evidence has established an association between chronic periodontitis and cardiovascular disease. Periodontitis is a chronic inflammatory disease caused by a small group of gram‐negative bacteria, of whichPorphyromonas gingivalisis considered an important causative agent. It has been proposed that dental plaque bacteria and their products can disseminate into the bloodstream from the site of infection and promote thromboembolic events associated with atherosclerosis and myocardial infarction. In this regard,Streptococcus sanguisandP. gingivalishave been shown to induce platelet aggregationin vitro. Here we report thatP. gingivaliswas able to induce platelet aggregation, and that oral strains ofActinobaillus actinomycetemcomitans,Bacteroides forsythus,Campylobacter rectus,Fusobacterium nucleatum,Prevotella intermediaandTrepenoma denticolafailed to aggregate platelets when tested for platelet aggregation activity under similar conditions. Additionally, we show that vesicles (outer membrane evaginations that are shed into the environment by the bacteria) ofP. gingivalisare potent inducers of mouse platelet aggregationin vitro. In summary, our data show that i) initial adherence of the bacterium to platelet may be facilitated byP. gingivalisfimbriae and ii)P. gingivalisvesicles possess platelet aggregation–inducing activity.