Model analysis of ground-state dissociation energies and equilibrium separations in alkali-metal diatomic compounds

Ground-state dissociation energies De and equilibrium distances Re for the series of homonuclear alkali-metal diatomic molecules Li2,Na2,..., as well as those for six heteronuclear alkali-metal diatomic compounds, are evaluated on the basis of a simple valence-bond model. Each alkali-metal atom in a diatomic molecule is characterized by two quantities: a Gaussian parameter βe of the valence-electron function and a valence-to-core ‘‘relative-size’’ parameter γ≡(βc/βe )2, with βc the Gaussian parameter for the core-electron charge distribution. For the homonuclear diatomic molecules, accurate results are obtained with a 2s Gaussian valence function (r2-a2)G orthogonalized to the core. For each homonuclear diatomic molecule there exists an optimal (βe,γ) set yielding values of De and Re in practically quantitative agreement with experiment. The quantities βe and γ exhibit the expected physical behavior over the series in that βe decreases from Li2 to Cs2, and γ is highest for the lightest diatomic molecule Li2. The compounds K2, Rb2, and Cs2 are found to be ‘‘Heitler-London’’ molecules to within 5% of their binding energies. An approximate, similar, analysis of six heteronuclear diatomic compounds yields close agreement with experiment for LiNa and RbCs, whereas with the other four compounds (LiK, NaK, NaRb, and NaCs) the agreement with experimental De and Re is to within at most 5%. Also RbCs is a ‘‘Heitler-London’’ molecule to a very good approximation.