Impact on Maternity Professionals of Novel Approaches to Clinical Audit Feedback

The authors compared three approaches to feedback of clinical audit findings relating to miscarriage in 15 Scottish maternity services (printed report alone; report plus action planning letter; report plus face-to-face facilitated action planning). Clinicians were surveyed to measure theory of planned behavior constructs (in the context of two audit criteria) before and after feedback (n = 253) and assessed perceptions of the audit through in-depth interviews (n = 17). Prefeedback, clinicians had positive attitudes and strong subjective norms and intentions to comply, although perceived behavioral control was lower. Generally, positive attitudes, subjective norms, and intentions increased after feedback but for one of the two criteria (providing a 7-day miscarriage service), perceived behavioral control decreased. No changes over time reached statistical significance, and analysis of covariance (adjusting for prefeedback scores) showed no consistent relationships between method of feedback and postfeedback construct scores. Interviews revealed positive perceptions of audit but frustration at lack of capacity to implement changes. Although interventions that increased intensity of feedback proved feasible and acceptable to clinicians, the authors were unable to demonstrate that they increased intention to comply with audit criteria.