Nervous system involvement in Fabry's disease: Clinicopathological and biochemical correlation

A detailed neuropathological and biochemical study was performed to evaluate the accmulation of ceramide trihexoside within the central and peripheral nervous systems of 2 patients with Fabry's disease. Luxol fast blue–staining lipid was noted in the leptomeninges and in the choroidal stroma; biochemical studies showed increased quantities of ceramide trihexoside in the cerebrospinal fluid. The permeable blood‐brain barrier and blood‐nerve barrier regions of the central and peripheral nervous systems contained increased quantities of ceramide trihexoside. Some central nervous system nuclei associated with autonnomic function were also noted to store lipid. Other areas of increased ceramide trihexoside accumulation included specific cortical and brainstem structures. Possible sources for this selective accumulation of ceramide trihexoside within the central and peripheral nervous systems include transport of glycolipid from the systemic vascular network and retrograde transsynaptic glycolipid transport.