Characteristic X-Ray Production in theLIIIShell of Copper by Low-Energy (100- to 500-keV) Protons

Characteristic L-shell x rays produced when protons of 100- to 500-keV energy are stopped in thick targets of copper have been studied using proportional counter detection. As a consequence of self-absorption in the LII and LIII shells, the relative intensities of the various L lines change with depth of penetration (hence energy) of the protons. By use of additional copper absorbers, lines originating from the filling of vacancies in the LIII shell can be isolated. [A single-crystal (KAP) spectrometer was used to verify this for electron-excited spectra.] Presented here are the thick-target yields for the LIII lines and the highly self-absorbed lines as well as the x-ray production cross section for the LIII lines. With a fluorescent yield of 0.05, the ionization cross section (σI=3.6×1022 cm) at 100 keV is approximately two orders of magnitude lower than the value predicted on the basis of the Born approximation description of the proton trajectory.