Analysis of the gene encoding the RNA subunit of ribonuclease P fromT.ThermophilusHB8

The gene for the RNA subunit of ribonuclease P from the extreme thermophilic eubacterium T. thermophilus HB8 was cloned using oligonucleotide probes complementary to conserved regions of RNase P RNA subunits from proteobacteria. The monocistronic gene and its flanking regions were sequenced. The gene is enclosed by a promoter and a rho-independent terminator. Nuclease S1 protection analyses showed that the primary transcript is identical with the mature RNA, i.e. no processing events are involved. The stem and loop structure of the terminator remains part of the mature molecule. In vitro transcription of the cloned gene with purified RNA polymerase from T. thermophilus yields the same RNA product as in vivo, indicating that no other components except RNA polymerase are involved in the synthesis of the RNA. RNase P RNA from T. thermophilus cleaved a pre-tRNA(Tyr) from E. coli with highest efficiency between 55 degrees C and 65 degrees C. The T. thermophilus RNA, which has a G-C content of 86% in helical regions, displays several structural idiosyncrasies, although its secondary structure is similar to that of proteobacteria. Numerous invariable nucleotides in the structural core of eubacterial RNase P RNAs are also conserved in the RNA from the extreme thermophilic eubacterium.