Resistant Alfalfa Plants as Symptomless Carriers ofVerticillium albo-atrum

Alfalfa cultivars resistant and susceptible to Verticillium wilt were grown in the greenhouse, stubble-inoculated with V. albo-atrum, and evaluated for percentage of symptomless plants. Distribution of symptomless plants was: Vertus, 54%; NAPB 108, 54%; NAPB 110, 47.5%; Apollo II, 36%; CW8015, 36%; WL 316, 35%; Cimmaron, 22.5%; and Saranac AR, 10%. Symptomless plants in all cultivars except NAPB 108 (95%) were positive for V. albo-atrum when the stem bases were cultured 7 mo. after inoculation. A high percentage of plants in resistant cultivars have the potential of serving as symptomless carriers of the pathogen.