The Hubble Space Telescope Extragalactic Distance Scale Key Project. X. The Cepheid Distance to NGC 7331

The distance to NGC 7331 has been derived from Cepheid variables observed with HST/WFPC2, as part of the Extragalactic Distance Scale Key Project. Multi-epoch exposures in F555W (V) and F814W (I), with photometry derived independently from DoPHOT and DAOPHOT/ALLFRAME programs, were used to detect a total of 13 reliable Cepheids, with periods between 11 and 42 days. The relative distance moduli between NGC 7331 and the LMC, imply an extinction to NGC 7331 of A_V = 0.47+-0.15 mag, and an extinction-corrected distance modulus to NGC 7331 of 30.89+-0.14(random) mag, equivalent to a distance of 15.1 Mpc. There are additional systematic uncertainties in the distance modulus of +-0.12 mag due to the calibration of the Cepheid Period-Luminosity relation, and a systematic offset of +0.05+-0.04 mag if we applied the metallicity correction inferred from the M101 results of Kennicutt et al 1998.

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