The nucleotide sequence of the tRNAMMetet from the archaebacterium Thermoplasma acidophilum

Using in vitro labelling techniques, a tRNA MMet from Thermoplasma acidophilum , a member of the Archaebacteriae , has been shown to have the sequence: pGCCGGG Gs 4 UGGCUCANCUGGAGGAGC m 22 GCCGGAC m UCAUt 6 AAUCCGGAGGUCUCGGG ΦΦC m GAUCCCCGAUCCCGGCACCA OH . Despite the small genome size of this nonparasitic organism, eight modified nucleosides are present, one of which is typically eubacterial, one of which is typically eukaryotic and some of which appear to be unique to the archaebacteria. There is no close sequence homology between this tRNA and that of any other methionine tRNA so far sequenced (1