The effects of K+ and related cations on the spontaneous contractility of estrogen-dominated rabbit myometrial strips were examined in vitro with isometric force-displacement transducers. Addition of 5–40 mM KCl, RbCl, or CsCl caused increased contractility of strips in medium containing 5.4 mM K+. Removal of K+ from the medium generally increased contractility. Addition of KCl, RbCl, CsCl, or LiCl to strips in K+-free medium caused an immediate rapid inhibition of contractility, the relative potencies being K+ = Rb+ > Cs+ > Li+. This effect was produced by 0.25–40 mM KCl or RbCl and was inhibited by 10−5 M ouabain. It was concluded that addition of K+, Rb+, Cs+, or Li+ to tissues in K+-free medium probably activated electrogenic Na+ pumping with resultant membrane hyperpolarization and inhibition of mechanical activity.