The Effects of Thyroid Hormone Level and Action in Developing Brain: Are These Targets for the Actions of Polychlorinated Biphenyls and Dioxins?

Alterations in thyroid hormone level or responsivity to thyroid hormone have significant neurologic sequelae throughout the life cycle. Duringfetal and early neonatal periods, disorders of thyroid hormone may lead to the development of motor and cognitive disorders. During childhood and adult life, thyroid hormone is required for neuronal maintenance as well as normal metabolic function. Those with an underlying disorder of thyroid hormone homeostasis or mitochondrial function may be at greater risk for developing cognitive, motor, or metabolic dysfunction upon exposure to substances which alter thyroid hormone economy. Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and dioxins have been argued to interfere with thyroid hormone action and thus may affect the developing and mature brain.