Electronystagmographic Findings in Insulin-Dependent Diabetics

Twenty-tour insulin-treated diabetic patients (12 men. 12 women) mean age 34 years (22-63 yrs) were studied. the mean duration of diabetes was 12 years (5-34 yrs). Eleven patients had diabetic retinopathy. 9 neuropathy and 4 nephropathy. Careful neuro-otological examination and hearing test (pure tone and speech audiometric tests, stapedius reflex) were made. Pendular eye tracking test (PETT). optokinetic nystagmus (OKN). spontaneous and positional as well as caloric induced nystagmus (modified Hallpike test) were recorded by nystagmography. Nystagmus was examined in the supine and both lateral positions. Seven patients had spontaneous or positional nystagmus and 2 of these patients had unilateral depressed caloric reaction. the mean age of these patients was 30 years and the duration of diabetes 6-17 years (mean 11 yrs). Five patients (mean age 36 years, duration of diabetes 6-24 years, mean 13 yrs). had unilateral depressed caloric reaction. the mean age of 12 patients with normal ENG findings was 36 years and they had suffered from diabetes for 12 years, on average. PETT and OKN were normal in all patients. There were no measurable hearing disturbances. in spite of a lack of subjective vertigo the objective findings of vestibular dysfunction were increased with longer duration of diabetes. the vestibular dysfunction of diabetic patients was more common than could be supposed in the material for this age. There was no correlation with other complications of diabetes.