A microengraving method for rapid selection of single cells producing antigen-specific antibodies

Monoclonal antibodies that recognize specific antigens of interest are used as therapeutic agents and as tools for biomedical research1. Discovering a single monoclonal antibody requires retrieval of an individual hybridoma from polyclonal mixtures of cells producing antibodies with a variety of specificities. The time required to isolate hybridomas by a limiting serial-dilution, however, has restricted the diversity and breadth of available antibodies. Here we present a soft lithographic method based on intaglio printing to generate microarrays comprising the secreted products of single cells. These engraved arrays enable a rapid (100,000 individual cells) system for identification, recovery and clonal expansion of cells producing antigen-specific antibodies. This method can be adapted, in principle, to detect any secreted product in a multiplexed manner.