Immunohistochemical evaluation of different filament proteins in human salivary glands.

Immunohistochemical demonstration of intermediate filament proteins-keratin, vimentin and desmin, and microfilaments-actin, filamin and myosin in the parotid and submandibular glands of humans are described. All ductal segments of intercalated, striated excretory ducts indicated varying staining to filament proteins: keratin was strong, vimentin, actin, filamin and myosin moderate and desmin slight in staining levels. Stainability of the intercalated duct was less than other ducts to desmin, actin, filamin, and myosin. Proteins in acinar cell showed no reaction or a weak staining reaction. Actin staining was characteristically strongly positive in myoepithelial cells. Histochemical reactions of desmin and actin were positive in smooth muscle in blood vessels, and that of vimentin in connective tissue fibers.