In the ungerminated seed, the cell walls of the aleurone layer of wheat (Triticum aestivum cv. Heron) are strongly autofluorescent and are stained by aniline blue, resorcinol blue, toluidine blue, and the periodic acid-Schiff's reaction. Thin-layer chromatography of acid or alkaline extracts and microspectrofluorimetry indicate that the fluorescent component of the wall is ferulic acid. During germina-tion, the ferulic acid disappears from the aleurone cell wall in a specific pattern and its loss is accompanied by loss of stainable substance except in the innermost layer of the wall. These facts suggest that the aleurone cell wall contains a ferulic acid-carbohydrate complex which renders it relatively resistant to the action of the hydro-lases which digest the endosperm.