1. The thermoregulatory response of the galago, the baboon and the chimpanzee were studied on exposure to dry bulb temperatures of up to 40 degrees C in a temperature controlled room. 2. Heat exposure caused an elevation in the respiratory frequency of all three species. The increase in the galago was significantly greater than that in the baboon and the chimpanzee. 3. Heat exposure also caused an increase in the cutaneous moisture loss of the baboon and the chimpanzee but not in the galago. 4. Rectal temperatures always rose on heat exposure but the animals never become hypethermic. 5. Sweat gland activity in the baboon and the chimpanzee was stimulated by the administration of acetylcholine and was blocked by the administration of atropine. Sympathetic and parasympathetic drugs had no stimulatory effect on the sueat glands of the galago. 6. Local, infra-red heating of the skin of the galago and the baboon did not stimulate any sweat gland activity. 7. The sweat glands in the galago and the baboon were found to be epitrichial. 8. These findings are discussed in relation to the habitat of each species. They are also compared to thermoregulation in other primate species, especially in relation to the unique nature of thermoregulation in man.