Bilateral Renal Cell Carcinoma: Influence of Synchronous and Asynchronous Occurrence on Patient Survival

Patients (27) with synchronous (19 cases) or asynchronous (8 cases) bilateral renal cell carcinoma were treated and followed for as long as 20 yr. Tumor grade and stage genereally were more favorable in the former group, which is reflected in the higher surgical intervention rate. Nonsurgical treatment yielded poor results. The 5-yr survival rate for patients with synchronous bilateral renal cell carcinoma (77.8%) was significantly higher than that for patients with asynchronous lesions (37.5%). Because of its different presentation and favorable prognosis when treated surgically synchronous bilateral renal cell cancer should be distinguished from the asynchronous form, with its dismal outcome. For the latter cases thorough long-term followup may make early surgical intervention feasible and improve patient survival.