Optical properties of vapor-grown Inx Ga1−xAs epitaxial films on GaAs and Inx Ga1−xP substrates

The absorption coefficients for Inx Ga1−xAs epitaxial n ‐ and p‐type films have been determined for the composition range 0 < x < 0.25. The optical absorption coefficient is a parameter in the operation of negative electron affinity (NEA) photoemissive devices, and the experimentally determined absorption coefficient will be useful in the interpretation of NEA photoemissive device characteristics. In general, the optical absorption properties of n ‐ and p‐type Inx Ga1−xAs alloys vary smoothly with increasing indium content. The effect of lattice parameter mismatch between the Inx Ga1−xAs epitaxial film and GaAs or Inx Ga1−xP substrates on the optical absorption properties is shown to be negligible. Doping with zinc acceptor impurities ([inverted lazy s]1019cm−3) does, however, apparently change slightly the characteristics of the Inx Ga1−xAs absorption curves, particularly at low In compositions. Two nondestructive methods of determining the acceptor density of zinc‐doped GaAs epitaxial layers have been compared. The plasma minimum method is useful for acceptor concentrations above about 5 × 1018 cm−3, while the free‐carrier absorption method gives quantitative values in the 1017–1019‐cm−3 range.