Emulsifier of Arthrobacter RAG-1: specificity of hydrocarbon substrate

The purified extracellular emulsifying factor produced by Arthrobacter RAG-1 (EF-RAG) emulsified light petroleum oil, diesel oil, and a variety of crude oils and gas oils. Although kerosine and gasoline were emulsified poorly by EF-RAG, they were converted into good substrates for emulsification by addition of aromatic compounds, such as 2-methylnaphthalene. Neither aromatic nor aliphatic fractions of crude oil were emulsified by EF-RAG; however, mixtures containing both fractions were emulsified. Pure aliphatic or aromatic hydrocarbons were emulsified poorly by EF-RAG. Binary mixtures containing an aliphatic and an aromatic hydrocarbon, however, were excellent substrates for EF-RAG-induced emulsification. Of a variety of alkylcyclohexane and alkylbenzene derivatives tested, only hexyl- or heptylbenzene and octyl- or decylcyclohexane were effectively emulsified by EF-RAG. These data indicate that for EF-RAG to induce emulsification of hydrocarbons in water, the hydrocarbon substrate must contain both aliphatic and cyclic components. With binary mixtures of methylnaphthalene and hexadecane, maximum emulsion was obtained with 25% hexadecane.