The exchange of Kuroshio and East China Sea shelf water

A detailed hydrographic study of the East China Sea shelf edge north of Taiwan revealed an intense cold eddy on the shelf break and a large low‐salinity filament at the slope. The cold eddy which is induced by the upwelling of the subsurface Kuroshio water has been repeatedly documented in previous studies. The filament which is made of the mixed shelf and subsurface Kuroshio water, on the other hand, has not been recognized before. The shelf edge upwelling appears to be associated with the sharp bending of the Kuroshio north of Taiwan, while the outpouring of shelf water appears to be associated with the northeasterly storms. Both the eddy and the filament consist of large fractions of the subsurface Kuroshio water, and they may be important to the salt and nutrient budget on the East China Sea shelf.