PAEDIATRIC UROLOGY: The Failed Exstrophy Closure: Strategy for Management

In the last 7 years, 29 boys and 11 girls have been referred with failure of their exstrophy closure; 38 patients had classic bladder exstrophy and 2 had cloacal exstrophy. Reclosure was performed for complete bladder dehiscence in 28 cases and for significant bladder prolapse in 10. Two patients underwent revision of the posterior urethra after primary closure due to a severe urethral stricture secondary to the use of para-exstrophy skin flaps. Six patients underwent posterior iliac osteotomy at the time of initial bladder closure and in 34 no osteotomy was performed. Thirty-seven patients underwent either posterior iliac osteotomy (15) or anterior innominate osteotomy (22). Epispadias repair together with reclosure of bladder exstrophy was done in 20 boys. The upper tract has remained normal in all patients. Fourteen have undergone subsequent bladder neck reconstruction. Seven patients have undergone simultaneous bladder neck reconstruction and augmentation cystoplasty and 1 has undergone augmentation cystoplasty and Mitrofanoff procedure; all are dry on intermittent self-catheterisation. The failed exstrophy reconstruction represents a formidable dilemma. However, a well planned reconstruction including osteotomy (even if previously performed), reclosure with or without epispadias repair or revision of the urethra can be performed with an excellent chance of proceeding with staged reconstruction.