Silver affects viability and structure of cultured mouse peritoneal macrophages and peroxidative capacity of whole mouse liver

The effects of silver on cultured mouse peritoneal macrophages were examined by estimation of cell survival and by light and electron microscopy. Additon of silver lactate to the culture medium at final concentrations of 40 and 80 μM resulted in coagulation necrosis and rapid cell death. At lower concentrations cell structure appeared normal. However, the rate of cell death at 20 μM silver lactate was increased as compared to controls. Silver, visualized by physical development/autometallography, was invariably located in lysosomes. The production of malondialdehyde in mouse liver of silver-treated mice as compared to controls was also examined. This lipid peroxidation product had increased to the same amount in animals treated with silver for either 3 days or with only one silver injection 4 h before examination. This study has demonstrated that silver affects viability and structure of cultured macrophages, possibly due to induction of lipid peroxidation, as demonstrated to occur in the liver of silver-exposed mice.