Electronic heat capacity of the strongly exchange-enhanced metalUSn3

An analysis of the phonon heat capacity of USn3 is presented. This analysis is used to obtain the temperature dependence of the electronic heat-capacity coefficient, γ(T)=Ce/T. It is found that γ(T) decays smoothly from γ0=171 mJ/mol K2 in the low-temperature limit to 24 mJ/mol K2 at T=30 K and asymptotically approaches 20 mJ/mol K2. Band-structure calculations indicate a virtually temperature independent γBS of about 22 mJ/mol K2. Thus the experimental γ(T) approaches γBS by about 30 K. The departure of the experimental curve below 30 K is most likely due to the onset of spin fluctuations. These fluctuations are local in nature since the area between the band and experimental γ curves up to 30 K is equal to 0.36R ln2. An analysis of new heat-capacity data below 10 K can be made consistent with the existence of a T3lnT term, but subtraction of a realistic phonon heat-capacity contribution removes this term. The implication that this observation has on other spin fluctuators and heavy-fermion compounds is discussed.