Prenatal screening for chromosome abnormalities using maternal serum chorionic gonadotrophin, alpha‐fetoprotein, and age

Human chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG) levels were assayed retrospectively in stored maternal serum samples from 78 chromosomally abnormal pregnancies and 410 controls matched for gestation and maternal age. The median serum hCG concentration in 49 pregnancies with Down's syndrome was significantly elevated, at 2.18 multiples of the normal median. Significantly reduced hCG concentrations were found in a group of four trisomy 18 pregnancies (all less than 0.4 multiples of the median). Eight cases of unbalanced chromosome rearrangements appeared to show some lowering of hCG levels, while there was no significant difference in the levels in the cases of trisomy 13, balanced translocations, and sex chromosome abnormalities. Maternal serum hCG alone is a better indicator of Down's syndrome pregnancies than maternal age or maternal serum alpha‐fetoprotein (AFP), either individually or in combination, and provides a further virtually independent measure of risk. On the basis of our findings, screening for Down's syndrome using hCG and AFP results combined with maternal age risks is predicted to result in a higher detection rate (57 per cent) for a lower false‐positive rate (5.0 per cent) than would be attainable by combined AFP and age screening (37 per cent detection at a 6.6 per cent false‐positive rate).