Neutron scattering studies of the anomalous magnetic alloyFe0.7Al0.3

Small-angle total and inelastic neutron scattering measurements were performed on a single crystal of the ordered alloy Fe0.7 Al0.3. The behavior of the Q dependence of the small-angle intensity can be classified into four temperature regions which correspond to the bulk behavior: (i) T>Tc=510 K (paramagnetic region); the line shape is Lorentzian with κ0 as T>Tc. (ii) 300 K<T<Tc (ferromagnetic region); I(Q)Q2 as expected from spin waves. (iii) 100 K<T<300 K (near Tcinv); I(Q)Qα, with α being T dependent and reaching a maximum value α=2.6. In this region the T dependence of the intensity exhibits a peak which is Q dependent. Near Tcinv160 K, a thermal hysteresis and novel time dependence of the scattering is observed. (iv) T<100 K (spin-glass regime); the line shape is again Lorentzian with κ increasing with decreasing T. No anomaly is observed at Tf90 K. The inelastic measurements reveal that spin waves exist in the ferromagnetic regime but disappear as the temperature is lowered. For temperatures less than Tcinv, an elastic central peak appears which increases as T is decreased. The results are interpreted in terms of random-field effects.