Radioactive Decay ofLu170

Ytterbium oxide enriched to 81.4% in the 170 mass number was irradiated with 6-Mev protons. An activity decaying by electron capture with a half-life of (2.05±0.05) days was produced and assigned to Lu170 by the identification of the ytterbium K x ray and by comparison with the activities produced by similar proton irradiations of each of the other enriched isotopes of ytterbium. The observed activity consists of the ytterbium K x ray, gamma rays with energies of 84, 193, 245, 1010, 1030, 1165, 1275, 1415, 2035, 2365, 2665, 2890, and 3085 kev, and a small amount of annihilation radiation. Because no particle radiation exists, the mode of decay of Lu170 is solely by electron capture to Yb170. Gamma-gamma coincidence measurements have led to the postulation of levels in Yb170 at 2120 (0), 2365 (1 or 2), 3170 (3), and 3395 (1 or 2) kev in addition to the previously assigned 84 (2+), and 278 (4+) levels. A partial energy level scheme with approximate electron capture branching ratios is proposed.