A Second Report on Deformation Mechanism Maps

A crystalline solid can deform plastically in a number of ways. Deformation mechanism diagrams can be constructed which show the fields of stress and temperature in which a given mechanism is dominant and the strain- rate that it yields. This second report presents detailed maps for five pure f. c.c. metals (Ni, Cu, Ag, Al and Pb), six pure b.c.c. metals (V, Cr, Nb, Mo, Ta and W) and a recrystallized Ni - 1 vol% ThO2 alloy, which are based on direct comparison to available experimental data. It also presents further discussion of the various deformation mechanisms, with refinements of their rate equations. Various applications of the diagrams are illustrated. They provide a convenient means for the normalized comparison of the behavior of different metals. They also demonstrate the effects of various changes in materials in a manner useful for qualitative engineering design. (Author)

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