Linkage studies do not confirm the cytogenetic location of incontinentia pigmenti on Xp11

Linkage studies have been performed in 5 incontinentia pigmenti (IP) families totaling 29 potentially informative meioses. Ten probes of the Xp arm were used, six of them were precisely localized on the X chromosome, using hamster x human somatic cell hybrids containing a broken X chromosome derived from an incontinentia pigmenti patient carrying an X;9 translocation [46,XX,t(X;9)(p11.21;q34)]. The following order for probes is proposed: pter-(DXS7, DXS146, DXS255)-IP1-(DXS14, DXS90)-DXS106-qter. The negative lod scores obtained exclude the possibility that in the families studied, the gene for IP is located in Xp11 or in the major part of the Xp arm.