MODTRAN4, version 2, will soon be released by the U.S. Air Force Geophysics Laboratory; it is an extension of the MODTRAN4, v1, atmospheric transmission, radiance and flux model developed jointly by the Air Force Research Laboratory / Space Vehicles Directorate (AFRL / VS) and Spectral Sciences, Inc. The primary accuracy improvements in MODTRAN4 remain those previously published: (1) the multiple scattering correlated-k approach to describe the statistically expected transmittance properties for each spectral bin and atmospheric layer, and (2) the Beer-Lambert formulation that improves the treatment of path inhomogeneities. Version 2 code enhancements are expected to include: *pressure-dependent atmospheric profile input, as an auxiliary where the hydrostatic equation is integrated explicitly to compute the altitudes, *CFC cross-sections with band model parameters derived from pseudo lines, *additional pressure-induced absorption features from O2, and *a new 5 cm-1 band model option. Prior code enhancements include the incorporation of solar azimuth dependence in the DISORT-based multiple scattering model, the introduction of surface BRDF (Bi-directional Radiance Distribution Functions) models and a 15 cm-1 band model for improved computational speed. Last year's changes to the HITRAN database, relevant to the 0.94 and 1.13 micrometers bands of water vapor, have been maintained in the MODTRAN4,v2 databases.