Presence and Transmission of Mammary Tumor Virus and Leukemia Virus in the BALB/cfRIlI Mouse 2

BALB/cfRIII is a high-mammary-tumor and high-leukemia strain of mice. The mammary tumor virus (MTV) and leukemia virus were demonstrated by biologic tests and electron microscopy in these mice. Experiments in which BALB/cfRIII mice were foster-nursed by C57BL mothers revealed that both MTV and leukemia virus are milk-transmitted. Tumors during the first 30 inbred generations (1292 mice) were unevenly distributed in the genealogic tree. Mammary tumors appeared more concentrated in some sublines and generations, and leukemia was more concentrated in others. The descendants of parents with mammary tumors or leukemia showed, respectively, higher incidences of mammary tumors or leukemias. A strong repulsion between mammary tumors and leukemias occurred in females. In all instances, the higher the mammary tumor incidence the lower the leukemia incidence, and vice versa. Several of the differences found were significant. These data suggest that, although a fairly good propagation of MTV and leukemia virus was concomitant cfurinll the first 30 generations of the BALB/cfRIII strain, there were at the same time several examples of selection, segregation, and repulsion between these 2 viruses or their respective tumors. The data indicate some kind of interference between MTV and leukemia virus during naturallife.

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