The remarkable resistance of the bacterial spore to the penetration of dyes and other chemical agents has long been of interest to the bacteriologist, and many methods of staining these bodies have been devised. Most of these methods are complicated, unreliable and especially unsatisfactory in the hands of students, whose limited time does not allow for the many repetitions usually necessary to obtain definite results. These considerations led to the search for a simple method which would stain spores consistently in the hands of unskilled workers, and as such, be available in the class-room. Such a method, which has been successfully employed in this laboratory for two years, is here reported. PREPARATION OF STAIN Four gm. ofacidfuchsin, Grubler, are dissolved in 50 c.c. 2 per cent, watery solution of acetic acid. Two gm. of methylene blue, Grubler, are dissolved in 50 c.c. 2 per cent, watery solution of